Joint Media Release – 10 September 2019 “Round Table leaders set their sights on the future” The Round Table leaders of the major shipping industry trade associations BIMCO, ICS, INTERCARGO and INTERTANKO met in London yesterday to consider the...
Media Release – 19 July 2019 “2020 Global Sulphur Limit implementation: INTERCARGO raises Safety concerns” With 1 January 2020 less than five and a half months away, INTERCARGO expresses its growing concern in view of the magnitude of the challenge...
Dear Members of INTERCARGO, Please find attached the Brief on the outcome of the 101st session of the MARITIME SAFETY COMMITTEE (MSC 101) which met between Wednesday 05 to Friday 14 June 2019 at the IMO HQ in London. Key/Bulk carrier topics that...
The 101st session of the MARITIME SAFETY COMMITTEE (MSC 101) will meet between Wednesday 5th and Friday 14th June 2019. Below you can find the INTERCARGO Pre-Brief, and accompanying attachments/papers, for this important meeting. The Pre-Brief...
Dear Full members of INTERCARGO, As the IMO MARINE ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION COMMITTEE (MEPC 74) meeting has just concluded, we are glad to share with you the attached Brief on its Outcome (with a number of attachments) that the Secretariat prepared...
The seventy-fourth session of the IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 74) will meet between Monday 13 and Friday 17 May 2019. The INTERCARGO Pre-Brief for MEPC 74 can be found below. Key topics discussed in the brief include: Ballast...
Dear Full Members of INTERCARGO, The 5th Session of IMO’ Intersessional Working Group on the Reduction of GHG Emissions (ISWG-GHG 5) is meeting on May 7-10 and will report the outcome of its deliberations to the following week’s MEPC 74. The agenda...
During INTERCARGO’s 40th Technical Committee meeting, 4th March Hong Kong meetings, the following presentations were delivered: BWTS Retro-fit by Captain Firoze Mirza of Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement (HK) Ltd Scrubbers – choosing...
Presentations Session – 5 March 2019 during INTERCARGO’s Hong Kong semi-annual meetings. “Towards accurate performance evaluation of ships in actual seas” Presenters: Mariko Kuroda, Chief Researcher, Fluids Engineering & Hull Design...
Please find below the INTERCARGO Brief on the IMO SUB-COMMITTEE ON POLLUTION PREVENTION AND RESPONSE (PPR 6) that took place on Monday 18 to Friday 22 February 2019. You need to login to view the rest of the content. Please Login. Not a Member? Join...
The sixth session of the IMO sub-committee on Pollution Prevention and Response (PPR 6) will take place between Monday 18 and Friday 22 February 2019. Please find below; the brief and supporting documents for the meeting. Topics covered in the...
The 100th session of the IMO Maritime Safety Committee (MSC 100) took place between the 3rd and 7th December 2018. Please find attached to this email the INTERCARGO brief on the outcome of this important meeting. The brief contains...