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IMO Circular on Carriage of Bauxite

All will remember the tragic circumstances of the ‘Bulk Jupiter’ lost with 18 crew whilst carrying a cargo of Bauxite in the opening days of this year.  From the Bahamas investigation report that determined cargo liquefaction as the most probable...

Review of IIMA Proposal for a DRI ‘D’ Schedule

Members will recall that the International Iron Metallics Association (IIMA) has been contracted by Venezuelan interests  to present a case for r the carriage of DRI Fines under ventilation, rather than under an inert atmosphere as currently...

Cargoes Briefing

IMO warns on bauxite liquefaction dangers Ship Masters warned of conditions under which bauxite should be accepted for carriage. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has taken action to warn ship Masters of the possible dangers of...

IMSBC Code Pocket Guide

Intercargo has worked with Lloyd’s Register and the UK P&I Club to produce a pocket guide on the IMSBC Code. The pocket guide aims to help all those responsible to manage the risks of carrying solid bulk cargoes and achieve compliance with SOLAS...