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A.M. Nomikos Transworld Maritime Agencies S.A.
1, Alamanas Street, 151 25 Marousi, Athens, Greece
+30 210 6155200
Souri 15, 15124 Marousi Athens, GREECE
+30 210 428 0610
ADNOC Logistics & Services
Sheikh Khalifa Energy Complex, Corniche Road, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.
PO Box 2600, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.
+971 2 6028400
Aegean Bulk Co Inc
8 Dragatsaniou Street, 105 59 Athens, GREECE
+30 210 374 8000
Alassia NewShips Management Inc.
138 Dionysou Street, GR 151 24, Maroussi, Athens GREECE
+30 210 6107050
+30 210 6107051
26 Apostolopoulou Str., 152 31 Athens, Greece
+30 211 1047400
Alios Bulkers Ltd.
6, Skouze Street, Piraeus 185 36, Greece
+30 210 429 2910
Alma Shipmanagement & Trading S.A.
7 Konstantinou Karamanli Avenue, 166 73 Voula, Athens, Greece
+30 210 8951150
Alpha Bulkers Shipmanagement Inc
354 Sygrou Avenue, Athens 176 74, Greece
+30 210 9484400
Angelakos (Hellas) SA
Building K1, Palea Leoforos Posidonos & 3 Moraitini Str., Delta Paleo Faliro, 175 61 Athens, Greece
+30 210 4287700
Akti Miaouli & 2, Filellinon Street, 18536 Piraeus, Greece
+30 210 4293250
4F HNA Tower, No.898 PuMing Road, Shanghai, China, 200122
+86 021 61757069
"Majella" 473 St Kilda Road, 3004 Melbourne, Australia
+61 3 9211 9300
41 Athinas Ave, Vouliagmeni, 166 71 Athens, Greece
+30 210 9689330
Atlantic Bulk Carriers Management Ltd.
41 Akti Miaouli, 18535 Piraeus, Greece
+30 210 4292180
Dr. Ante Starcervica 24/2nd floor 20000 Dubrovnik/Croatia
+385 (0) 20 352 278
Berge Bulk Shipping Pte Ltd
12 Marina Boulevard, #24-03 MBFC Tower3, Singapore 018982
+65 6887 9088
2602, K. Wah Centre, 191 Java Road, North Point, Hong Kong
+852 25971316
Memorial A
5 Okmeydani
34384 Sisli
+90 21 22109910
Blue Planet Shipping Ltd
5-7, Agiou Nikolaou Str.
Piraeus 185 37
+30 210 4599010
Byzantine Maritime Corporation
8 Korytsas & Grammou Str., Kifissia, Athens 145 61, Greece
+30 21 0628 1100
Canfornav Limited
800 Rene-Levesque Blvd. West Suite#2300, H3B-1X9 , Montreal, Quebec
Capital-Executive Ship Management Corp.
Capital Building, 3, Iasonos Street, 18537 Piraeus, Greece
+30 210 4558600
Carras (Hellas) SA
65, Akti Miaouli, Piraeus 185 36, Greece
+30 210 458 7000
Chandris House, 95 Akti Miaouli, 185 38 Piraeus, GREECE
+30 210 458 4000
Cetus Maritime (Shanghai) Ltd
Room 502, 5th Floor, C Building LCM, No. 2389 Zhangyang Lu, Pudong District, Shanghai 200135, China
+86 21 61692313
Charterwell Maritime S.A.
91 Poseidonos Ave, 166 74 Glyfada, Athens, Greece
+30 210 8912000
Chinese Maritime Transport Ltd (CMT)
9th Floor, Chinese Maritime Building, 15, Jinan Road, Section 1, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City, Taiwan, 10051
+886(0)2 2397 6670
+886 2 2356 8085
Chios Navigation (Hellas) Ltd
1-3 Filellinon Street, Piraeus, 185 36, Greece
0030 210 4283033
Chronos Shipping Co. Ltd
41 Akti Miaouli, 185 35 Piraeus, Greece
+30 210 4292230
Clipper Bulk A/S
Clipper House
Sundkrogsgade 19
DK-2100 Copenhagen
CMB NV/Bocimar International NV
De Gerlachekaai 20,
2000 Antwerp,
+32 3 247 59 11
173 Konstantinou Karamanli Ave, 16673 Voula, Athens, Greece
+30 210 4292016
Kifisias 44, 151 25 Marousi, Athens, Greece
+30 210 6175050
No.308 Bin Jiang Zhong Road, Guangzhou, 510220, China
86-20-8410 3819
86-20-8410 2919
Costamare Shipping
60 Zephyrou Street, P.Faliro, 175 64 Athens, Greece
+ 30-210-9490000
7 Rue du Gabian, Gildo Pastor Center, MC 98000 MONACO
377 97985938
Cyprus Sea Lines
Kifisias 349, Kifisia, Athens Greece
+30 210 800 7598
D’Amico Societa di Navigazione S.p.A.
20, Boulevard de Suisse, 97000 Monaco
+377 93105467
Dalex Shipping Co SA
Vas. Pavlou 107, 185 33 Piraeus, GREECE
+30 210 4223880
Danaos Shipping Co. Ltd
14, Akti Kondyli, 185 45 Piraeus, Greece
+30 210 419 6400
Ord.Prof.Fahrettin Kerim Gokay Caddesi, Denizeiler Is Merkezi, No: 18, B-Blok, Kat:3, 34662-Altunizade,Turkey
0090 2166 511 666
46, Filonos Str. 5th floor, 185 35 Piraeus, Greece
+30 210 4110357
Diligent Holdings S.A.
43, Kifissias Ave., 115 23 Athens, Greece
+30 210 6989424
DryDel Shipping Inc.
52-52A Evelpidon Ave.
166 73 Athens
Drylog Services (Singapore) Pte Ltd
#04-03 Robinson 112, Singapore 068902
+65 6223 8352
E.Nomikos Corp.
4 – 6 Efplias Street
185 37 Piraeus
+30 210 7542050
67 Thiseos Avenue, Nea Erythrea
14671 Athens
+30 214 4048800
Eastern Mediterranean Maritime Limited
69 Grigoriou Lampraki St, 166 75 Glyfada, GREECE
+30 210 9699720
Efnav Company Ltd.
2-4 Vas. Pavlou Ave, 185 34 Kastella, Pireaus, Greece
+30 210 4122670
EFShipping Company S.A.
227 Kifissias Avenue, Anavryta 2 Building, Kifissia, Athens 14561, Greece
+30 210 4293333
Emarat Maritime
Mezzanine Floor, Sharaf Building, Al Mina Road, PO Box 25859, Dubai, U.A.E
+971 4 3599955
Empire Bulkers Ltd
88 Vouliagmenis Avenue, 16777 Elliniko, Athens Greece
0030 211 1024000
Empros Lines Shipping Co
2 Parnassou str. & Kifissias, 151 24 Marousi, Greece
+30 210 812 5500
Enesel Dry S.A.
23A Vasilissis Sofias Avenue, Kolonaki, 10676, Athens, Greece
+30 211 0165700
11, Poseidonos Avenue, 16777 Elliniko, Athens, Greece
0030 210 8910274
331 Kifissias Ave.,Equinox Building, Kifissia, 145 61 Athens, Greece
+30 210 6240400
Eurobulk LTD
Mesogeiou & Evropis 4, Maroussi 15124
Athens, Greece
+30 211 1804000
Fafalios S.A.
24-26 Baltic St, London, EC1Y 0UH, UK
+44 (0)20 7251 5100
27th Floor, South Island Place, 8 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Hong Kong
+852 9227 6097
Fujian Ocean Ship Management Co. Ltd
25th Floor, Block 2 Empark Business Centre,
Gui An -350506-Fuzhou, China
0086 591 38186777
Globus Shipmanagement Corp.
128 Vouliagmenis Ave.
166 74 Glyfada
+30 210 9608300
Golden Union Shipping Co SA
8 Aigaleo Street, Piraeus, 185 45, Greece
41 Athinas Ave, Vouliagmeni, 166 71 Athens, Greece
+30 210 8910500
85 Akti Miaouli, 185 38 Pireaus, Greece
+30 210 4290100
Gourdomichalis Maritime SA
Grecomar Shipping Agency Ltd
Xanthou 3, Glyfada, Athens, 166 74, Greece
+30 10 898 6160
c/o 257a Pavilion Road, 2nd Floor, London SW1X 0BP,
United Kingdom
+44 (0) 20 7074 2925
Hadley Shipping Group Ltd
117-119 Houndsditch, London EC3A 7BT, U.K.
+44 (0)20 72808780
Harren Bulkers GmbH & Co. KG
Hermann-Hollerith-Strasse 10
28355 Bremen
+49 421 46 86-0
Hong Kong Ming Wah Shipping Co Ltd
12/F, China Merchants Tower, Shun Tak Centre, 168-200 Connaught Road Central, Hong Kong
Hydroussa Navigation Ltd
Fragoklissias 9, Maroussi, 151 25, Greece
Iblea Ship Management Ltd
Agiou Konstantinou 40, Marousi, Athens 151 24, Greece
+30 210 6109602
IMC Shipping Co. Pte Ltd
3 Anson Road #06-01, Springleaf Tower, Singapore 079909
+65 6336 2233
+65 6336 3257
Interunity Management (Deutschland) GmbH
Konsul-Smidt Str. 76 A, D-28217

0049 421 365 19162-4
Iolcos Hellenic Maritime Enterprises Co. Ltd.
298 Kifissias ave, Kifissia 14563, Athens, Greece
+30 2106233960
IONIC Bulk Carriers (MGT) Inc.
93 Poseidonos Ave, 166 74 Glyfada, Athens, Greece
+30 210 4282818
Island Navigation Corporation International Limited
33/F., Harbour Centre, 25 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong SAR
+852 2833 3282
Head Office: 200 Cantonment Road, #03-01 Southpoint, Singapore 089763
Durban Office: 8th Floor, Grindrod House, 108 Margaret Mncadi Avenue, Durban 4001, South Africa
+65 6323 0048 / +27 31 3021800
K Line Bulk Shipping (UK) Limited
6th Floor, 5 Aldermanbury Square,
London EC2V 7BP
Kassian Maritime Navigation Agency Ltd
3rd Floor, Megaro Macedonia, 367 Syngrou Avenue, Athens, 175 64, Greece
+30 210 940 2001
+30 210 940 2430
41 Akti Miaouli, 185 35 Piraeus, Greece
+30 210 4292000
Konkar Shipping Agencies S.A.
59, K.Karamanli st. 15125, Maroussi, Greece
0030 2106380100
Kyla Shipping & Trading Corp.
348 Syngrou Ave
Building B, GR, Kallithea, 17674, Greece
+30 210 458 8300
Laskaridis Shipping Co Ltd
5, Xenias Street, & Ch.Trikoupi, Athens, 145 62 Greece
0030 210 6284231
21 quai Gallieni, Suresnes, Cedex, 92158, France
+33 1 7038 6000
Lemissoler Navigation Co. Ltd
17-21B Agias Zonis, Eleni court, 3027 Limassol, Cyprus
+357 25 818830
Load Line Marine
58 Ag. Konstantinou St. & Kifissias Avenue, Maroussi, Athens, 15124, Greece
210 802 9900
Lomar Shipping Ltd.
12 Hobart Pl. Belgravia, London, SW1W OHH, United Kingdom
020 7245 8750
24 Erythreas Road, Tatoi 136 77, Greece
+30 214 1006600
Maestro Shipping SA
Avenue du Guintzet 8, 1700 Friburg, Switzerland
0041 26 422 8000
Maran Dry Management Inc.
216-226 Doiranis Street, 17674 Athens, Greece
+30 2130076100
Marla Dry Bulk Shipmanagement Inc
4 Xenias Str., Kifisia, 145 62 Athens, Greece
+30 214 6879409
Canon's Court, 22 Victoria St. HM12 Hamilton, Bermuda
0040 02071344160
Minerva Dry Inc.
141-143 Vouliagmenis Avenue, Voula, Athens, 16673, Greece
+30210 8907450
7, Fragkokklisias Street, 151 25 Maroussi, Greece
+30 210 6106111
20 Walters Drive, Osborne Park, WA 6017 AUSTRALIA
+61 8 9329 3600
Mitsui OSK Lines Ltd
Moderna Marine Management Ltd
Southpolis, Building K2, 1 Posidonos Ave, Paleo Faliro, Athens 17561, GREECE
+30 211 1904000
Navarone S.A.
6 Cheimaras Street, 151 25 Amaroussion, Athens, Greece
+30 210 4101700
25-27 Evrota Street
Kifisia 145 64
Navios Group of Companies
85 Akti Miaouli, 185 38 Piraeus, GREECE
Navitas Compania Maritima S.A.
86, V. Othonos Str. , 14561, Kifisia, Greece
+30 210 8016284
+30 210 8012144
Neda Maritime Agency Co. Ltd.
2, Defteras Merarchias Str., Piraeus, Greece
0030 211 1030200
Neptune Dry Management Company
5-9 Iasonos Street,
18537 Piraeus,
Nereus Shipping SA
35-39 Akti Miaouli, 185 35 Piraeus, 185 35, Greece
+30 210 429 2262
Ionian Building, Akti Miaouli & 2, II Merarchias Str., 185 35 Piraeus, Greece
0030 211 0130400-8
Nicholas G. Moundreas Shipping S.A.
47-49 Bouboulinas Str, 185 35 Piraeus, Greece
+30 210 4113446
Niovis Shipping Company S.A.
Akti Themistokleous & Ygeias 1-3, 185 36 Piraeus, Greece
+30 210 4285831
NYK Line
3-2 Marunouchi 2-Chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Olympia Ocean Carriers Ltd
Lophitis Business Centre I, Corner 28th October & Emiliou Chourmouziou Street, 7th Floor, 3035, Limassol, Cyprus
+357 25 029 470
Omicron Ship Management Inc
24, Posidonos ave.,
17674 Kallithea, Athens, GREECE
Orpheus Marine Transport Corporation
2 Paradisou St. & 26 Kifissias Avenue Maroussi, 151 25 Greece
0030 210 42 85 580
OSM Thome
No.1 Marina Boulevard
#17-01, At One Marina Boulevard
Singapore 018989
Pacific Basin Shipping (HK) Ltd
Hong Kong SAR
Pacific Carriers Ltd
Pavimar SA
17th Km National Road Athens-Lamia & Foinikos Str. 14564 Nea Kifisia,Athens Greece
0030 211 8880200
P.O. Box 71043, Limassol, 3840, Cyprus
+357 25 584 600
Pioneer Marine Hellas
130 Vouliagmenis Ave & 1 Themistokleous Str., 166 74 Glyfada, GREECE
+30 212 2223750
Polembros Bulkers Inc
82, Vouliagmenis Avenue, 167 77 Athens, Greece
+30 210 4580300
Polforce Shipping Co. S.A.
89-91 Notara Str., 185 35 Piraeus, Greece
+30 210 4100596
332-3 Avenida Infante Dom Henrique, Lisboa 1800-224, Portugal
+351 218 391800
Prominence Maritime SA
97 Poseidonos Ave. & 2 Foivis
Athens 166 74
+30 210 8984500
Rethymnis & Kulukundis Ltd
Greece / UK
Rio Tinto Shipping Ltd
12 Marina Boulevard
#20-01 Marina Bay Financial Centre Tower 3, 018982, Singapore
+65 667 99 000
+65 667 99 300
ROKS Maritime Inc
Lagadion 5, Maroussi, 115 25 Athens, Greece
+30 210 8171000
Safe Bulkers Inc.
Apt. D11, Les Acanthes 6, Avenue des Citronniers, MC98000, Monaco
+357 2588 7200
Samos Steamship Co. Ltd
63 Poseidonos Ave. & 2 Aiantos Str. Athens, Greece
0030 210 9465900
Sandigan Ship Services Inc.
9th Floor Salustiana D. TY Tower
104 Paseo De Roxas Avenue, Legaspi Village,
Makati City, Metro Manila
+63 288942821
Sea Globe Management and Trading Inc
J. Laliotis Building, 8 Possidonos Avenue, 17674 Kallithea, Athens, Greece
+30 210 9413500
33 Akti Miaouli Str.
Piraeus 185 35
+30 210 4292025
7, Fragkokklisias Street
151 25
+30 210 6801136
Sealink Navigation Ltd
3 Xanthou Street
Athens 166 74
+30 210 8946206
Seanergy Management Corp.
16 Grigoriou Lambraki Str., Athens, 16674, Greece
+30 213 01 81 506
Seastar Chartering Ltd
6, Rizariou Str., Halandri, 152 33 Athens, Greece
Shih Wei Navigation Co., Ltd.
16F, No. 167 Fusing N. Road
+886 2 87121888
Spring Marine Bulk Inc
6 Agias Kiriakis Street, 175 64 Paleo Faliro, Greece
Star Bulk S.A.
40 Agiou Konstantinou Str., 151 24 Maroussi, Athens, Greece
Super Eco Bulkers Management Inc
2,Iassonos Street, Piraeus, 18537, Greece
Swire Shipping Pte. Ltd.
300 Beach Road, #27-01 The Concourse, Singapore 199555
+65 6603 9437
Synergy Marine Group
4th Floor, AKDR Tower, 3/381 Rajiv Gandhi Salai(OMR), Mettukuppam, Chennai – 600097, INDIA
+91 44 4321 5555
24, Kanigos Street, 185 34, Piraeus, Greece
0030 210 4147400
Team Fuel Corp.
40 Papanikoli Str., 15232 Halandri, Greece
0030 210 4287678
Technomar Shipping Inc
3-5 Menandrou Str. Kifisia, Athens, Greece
0030 210 6233670
Unit B, 15/F, Fortis Tower, 77-79 Gloucester Road, Hong Kong
00852 2598 8688
Teo Shipping Corporation
138-140 Kifissou Avenue
Peristeri, Athens, 121 31, Greece
+30 210 578 8300
+30 210 578 1011
16 Athinas Avenue, Vouliagmeni 16671, Greece
+30 210 8909000
23 Agiou Spyridonos Street
Piraeus, 185 35, GREECE
+ 30 210 410 0700
11 Fragkokklisias Str.,
151 25 Amaroussion, Greece
+30 210 3440600
Tomini Building, 24th Al Asayel Street, Umm Suqeim Road, Al Barsha 2, P.O. 172700, Dubai, U.A.E.
+971 (0)4 306 2000
Trade Fortune Inc.
9, 2nd Merarchias Str, Piraeus 18535, Greece
+30 210 4138600
121 Prodromou Ave., 2064 Strovolos, Nicosia, Cyprus
+357 22253700
Trust Bulkers Ltd.
Vergoti Square, Glyfada, Athens, 166 75, Greece
+30 216 0020600
Tsakos Shipping & Trading SA
Megaron Makedonia, 367 Syngrou Ave, 175 64 P.Faliro, Athens, Greece
+30 210 9474000
43 Kyprou & Ag.Tryfonos Str., 14562 Kifissia, Greece
+30 210 4283747
V.Ships Group
The Skypark, 8 Elliot Place
Glasgow, G3 8EP, United Kingdom
0044 141 243 2435
Virono Shipping S.A.
6-8, Agias Kyriakis Str.
Paleo Faliro 17564
+30 2109484600
13, Papanastasiou Street,185 33 Piraeus, Greece
0030 210 422 1616
11 Akti Miaouli, GR-185 35, Piraeus, Greece
0030 210 4114491
Wallem Ship Management Ltd
Hong Kong SAR