Home » In Focus » INTERCARGO’s pre- Brief for IMO’s MEPC 82

INTERCARGO’s pre- Brief for IMO’s MEPC 82

The eighty-second session of IMO MARINE ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION COMMITTEE (MEPC 82) will meet from 30 September to 4 October 2024

Key Topics

The key topics that will be discussed at MEPC 83 and may be of interest to Members include:

  • Ballast Water Management
  • Air Emissions/GHG Reduction
  • Energy Efficiency of Ships
  • Fuel Quality-Quantity/Sulphur Limits

Although not part of INTERCARGO’s work program, the following topics will also be discussed and INTERCARGO Secretariat will endeavor to follow the discussions:

  • Scrubbers
  • Black Carbon/HFO in the Arctic
  • Biofouling/In-water cleaning
  • Underwater Noise
  • Ship Recycling/Hong Kong Convention

INTERCARGO’s submissions to MEPC 82 can be accessed here.

Executive summary and key points:

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