Lloyd’s Register, the UK P&I Club, and INTERCARGO have produced a pocket guide for ships’ officers and agents who arrange cargoes for loading.
Guidance for crews on the International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code
Carrying solid bulk cargoes involves serious risks, which must be managed carefully to safeguard the crew and the ship. These risks include reduced ship stability, and even capsizing, due to cargo liquefaction; fire or explosion due to chemical hazards; and damage to ship structures due to poor loading procedures.
The main legislation governing safe carriage of solid bulk cargoes is the International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes (IMSBC) Code, which became mandatory on 1st January 2011, under the SOLAS Convention.
This pocket guide will help you understand the IMSBC Code’s key requirements and give you greater confidence in managing the risks of carrying solid bulk cargoes and achieving compliance with SOLAS.
It outlines the precautions you should take before accepting cargoes for shipment and the procedures you should follow for safe loading and carriage, and details the primary hazards associated with the different types of solid bulk cargo. It also contains a quick reference checklist and flowchart summarising the steps you need to follow.
This guide will also assist crews with understanding future IMSBC Code requirements for cargo residues deemed harmful to the marine environment.
If you are interested in ordering copies of this report, please contact INTERCARGO at info@intercargo.org.
A PDF version of both the pocket guide and flowchart can be downloaded attached.