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EU Renewable Energy Directive (RED III) adopted by the EU Council


Dear Members,

The Renewable Energy Directive (RED III) was adopted by the EU Council on October 9 2023 and raised the share of renewable energy in the EU’s overall energy consumption at least to 42.5% by 2030. (see page 95)

Each member state will contribute to this common target.

The text is available in the following link :


  • The directive is introducing a combined energy-based target for advanced biofuels and biogas and renewable fuels of non-biological origin, including a minimum share for renewable fuels of non-biological origin
  • The achievement of the ambitious RED III targets in a relatively short timeframe will require an unprecedented effort from Member States and the private sector. More details on the statements of states and EU Commission can be found here :

Targets for the Transport sector

Sector-specific targets in transport were agreed:

  • A binding combined sub-target of 5.5% for advanced biofuels (generally derived from non-food-based feedstocks) and renewable fuels of non-biological origin (RFNBOs – mostly renewable hydrogen and hydrogen-based synthetic fuels) in the share of renewable energies supplied to the transport sector. (see page 198)
  • Ports should ensure that from 2030 the share of RFNBOs in the total amount of energy supplied to the maritime transport sector is at least 1,2 % (see page 65)
  • The share of advanced biofuels and biogas produced from the feedstock listed in Part A of Annex IX supplied in the aviation and maritime transport modes will be considered to be 1,2 times their energy content, and the share of RFNBOs supplied in the aviation and maritime transport modes will be considered to be 1,5 times their energy content. (see page 211)

Next steps

The revised directive will soon be published in the Official Journal of the EU and will enter into force on the 20th day following its publication. Member States will have 18 months after the date of entry into force of the Directive to transpose it in their national legislation.


Kind regards

Emmanuel Vergetis

Regional Representative

Athens- Greece