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EU ETS delegated acts : consultations on templates for monitoring plans & aggregated emissions data at company level



Dear Members,

The EU Commission has opened a series of consultations  on the EU ETS delegated regulations as follows:

  • On the  templates for monitoring plans, reports & other documents for shipping emissions.

Draft delegated regulation and annex can be found in the following link:


  • On the rules for reporting and submission of the aggregated emissions data at company level

               Draft delegated regulation can be found in the following link:

Members are invited to share any feedback by 24 August.

Any feedback will be shared to ECSA in order that it is submitted to the EU keeping anonymity.

These consultations come in addition to :

  • The consultation on the rules on monitoring and reporting shipping emissions
  • On rules on approval and verification activities and accreditation of verifiers in relation to maritime transport emissions.
  • The consultation on the operation of the Innovation Fund
  • The consultation on the update of emission allowances auctioning rules.
  • The consultation on the update of the Registry Regulation.


Upcoming consultations

Additional consultations should be opened at the end of August-beginning of September on:

  • Rules for the administration of shipping companies by administering authorities under the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS), which will include the definition of the responsible entity.

I remain at your disposal if you have questions.

Kind regards

Emmanuel Vergetis

Regional Representative

Athens- Greece