22 Dec 2015:-
IMO website posted an update on 21 Dec 2015 at http://www.imo.org/en/MediaCentre/PressBriefings/Pages/56-bwm.aspx.
Two paragraphs of the IMO message are quoted below:
“The compiled 2015 assessment tonnages, released to IMO’s Member States on 16 December 2015, contained some unverified data, but also revealed that the conditions for entry into force of the BWM Convention might have been met, by a very small margin. IMO was also aware that between June and November 2015, some Parties gained tonnage and others lost tonnage. In light of this, IMO Secretary-General Koji Sekimizu requested a complete verification of tonnage data as at the time of the deposits by Morocco, Indonesia and Ghana prior to determining whether or not the BWM Convention had indeed met the entry-into-force requirements.
“IHS Maritime & Trade has worked diligently to verify the tonnage figures since that request. The verification process has not yet concluded. The precise figures will be announced after the verification process is complete, which is likely to be early next year (2016). If the ratifications by Morocco, Indonesia and Ghana add sufficient tonnage, the BWM Convention would enter into force on 24 November 2016.”
Outcome of MEPC 68