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DG MOVE presentation made during the ECSA internal workshop

FuelEU Maritime DG MOVE presentation slides from the Workshop with DG CLIMA on 16 January




Dear Members,

Following the FuelEU Maritime workshop with the EU Commission (DG -CLIMA) , please find here attached the slides that were shared during the meeting.

FuelEU Maritime Regulation will apply from 1 January 2025 and promotes the use of renewable and low-carbon fuels in maritime transport for ships above 5000 GT, intra-EU traffic + 50% international, EU ports (same as for ETS).

  • Establishes below target reduction % for the yearly average GHG intensity of the energy used on-board (gCO2eq/MJ). Reference value: 91.16 g CO2eq/MJ:

  • Inclusion of CO2 methane and nitrous oxide on a full Well-to Wake calculation.
  • Flexibility mechanism via banking and borrowing surpluses and (small) deficits can be carried over to the next year
  • Voluntary and open pooling mechanism to reward/ incentivise overachievers and encourage the rapid deployment of the most advanced options.
  • Monitoring and Reporting is based on MRV approach, with some additional data.
  • Wind Assisted Propulsion is incentivized through a reward factor given in function of installed Wind Power
  • 14 Implementing and Delegated Acts are expected and a FAQ

Kind regards,

Emmanuel Vergetis