FuelEU Maritime DG MOVE presentation slides from the Workshop with DG CLIMA on 16 January
Dear Members,
Following the FuelEU Maritime workshop with the EU Commission (DG -CLIMA) , please find here attached the slides that were shared during the meeting.
FuelEU Maritime Regulation will apply from 1 January 2025 and promotes the use of renewable and low-carbon fuels in maritime transport for ships above 5000 GT, intra-EU traffic + 50% international, EU ports (same as for ETS).
- Establishes below target reduction % for the yearly average GHG intensity of the energy used on-board (gCO2eq/MJ). Reference value: 91.16 g CO2eq/MJ:
- Inclusion of CO2 methane and nitrous oxide on a full Well-to Wake calculation.
- Flexibility mechanism via banking and borrowing surpluses and (small) deficits can be carried over to the next year
- Voluntary and open pooling mechanism to reward/ incentivise overachievers and encourage the rapid deployment of the most advanced options.
- Monitoring and Reporting is based on MRV approach, with some additional data.
- Wind Assisted Propulsion is incentivized through a reward factor given in function of installed Wind Power
- 14 Implementing and Delegated Acts are expected and a FAQ
Kind regards,
Emmanuel Vergetis