Communication on the EU 2040 climate target
Dear Members,
For information – Communication on the EU 2040 climate target
Dear Members,
The Commission published today its communication on Europe’s 2040 climate target and path to climate neutrality by 2050, in which it recommends a 90% net GHG emissions reduction compared to 1990 levels as the EU climate target for 2040 for all the sectors of the EU economy and is based in the implementation of the existing legislation to reduce emissions by at least 55% by 2030.
The full text is available here:
For shipping, reference is made to the “Fit for 55” measures.
The accompanying impact assessment indicates that the “higher end of the IMO target range (-80% in 2040 vs 2008)” and the FuelEU Maritime regulation will be the building blocks for the decarbonisation of the sector and is a clear message of support to the IMO process.
Next steps
This communication is not accompanied by a legislative proposal. Such a legislative proposal will be made by the next Commission, after the European elections. This legislative proposal, when published, will be sent to the Council and Parliament, which will ultimately decide on the EU’s 2040 climate target.
Kind regards
Emmanuel Vergetis