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Bulk Carrier Casualty Report 2015

The INTERCARGO Bulk Carrier Casualty Report 2015 provides a list of reported losses of bulk carriers with dwt over 10,000 for previous ten years (2005 -2015), analysis of causes and the trends.

The need for continued vigilance and awareness of the potential cargo risks that may be involved when carrying solid bulk cargoes was again highlighted by the sinking of the bulk carrier “Bulk Jupiter” on 2 Jan 2015, with the tragic loss of 18 of her 19 crew members. The Bahamian flag State investigation has determined liquefaction of the Bauxite cargo as the most probable cause of this unfortunate casualty, with both the inclusion of a higher quantity of fine materials in the cargo to that described in the IMSBC Code schedule, together with a higher moisture content, due to the exceptionally high rainfall experienced prior to shipping, as the most likely contributory factors. IMO has now issued a circular calling for increased scrutiny for the potential dangers of Bauxite cargoes prior to shipping.

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