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Round Table

Round Table of International Shipping Associations

The Round Table of international shipping associations consists of:

  • INTERCARGO, the International Association of Dry Cargo Shipowners;
  • Intertanko, the International Association for Independent Tanker Owners.
  • The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) whose membership comprises of the national shipowners’ associations from 37 countries;
  • BIMCO, whose membership comprises of owners, brokers, ships agents and other operators;


To work together to serve, represent and advance the international shipping industry.


A responsible and respected international shipping industry meeting the expectations of its stakeholders.


    • Present the industry’s arguments in a clear, co-ordinated, consistent and unambiguous manner
    • Enhance political and public awareness of the essential role of shipping in world trade.
    • Encourage a positive and respected response to the industry on the part of society at large.
    • Communicate the performance of the industry.
    • Provide guidance to the industry on relevant topical issues.
    • Develop measures for credible and effective self-regulation within the industry whilst promoting the case for a proper balance between regulation and self-regulation.
    • Support the principle of international rather than regional or unilateral regulation.
    • Advance quality in shipping, and the universal commitment to maritime safety and environmental responsibility.
    • Ensure that shipping provides a challenging and rewarding career for persons of commitment, initiative and enthusiasm.
    • Promote the shipping industry as an attractive employer both at sea and ashore.
    • Develop a closer working relationship with the industry’s partners in the “chain of responsibility